I was completely taken with the fields and fields of wild poppies in Ukraine. I chose to represent the blooms focusing on the intense red keeping the grasses and green wheat they were growing amongst. In Ukrainian folklore, the poppy symbolises beauty, love, and the intoxication of love. They are a symbol of the infinity of the universe, a symbol of serenity and sleep.
Poppies were believed to have magical powers, a good charm against wickedness. The blooms of the poppies are delicate and wilt quickly, a symbol of the beauty of youth that passes so quickly. A wreath of poppies is linked to a young girl and her innocence.
I was completely taken with the fields and fields of wild poppies in Ukraine. I chose to represent the blooms focusing on the intense red keeping the grasses and green wheat they were growing amongst. In Ukrainian folklore, the poppy symbolises beauty, love, and the intoxication of love. They are a symbol of the infinity of the universe, a symbol of serenity and sleep.
Poppies were believed to have magical powers, a good charm against wickedness. The blooms of the poppies are delicate and wilt quickly, a symbol of the beauty of youth that passes so quickly. A wreath of poppies is linked to a young girl and her innocence.
I was completely taken with the fields and fields of wild poppies in Ukraine. I chose to represent the blooms focusing on the intense red keeping the grasses and green wheat they were growing amongst. In Ukrainian folklore, the poppy symbolises beauty, love, and the intoxication of love. They are a symbol of the infinity of the universe, a symbol of serenity and sleep.
Poppies were believed to have magical powers, a good charm against wickedness. The blooms of the poppies are delicate and wilt quickly, a symbol of the beauty of youth that passes so quickly. A wreath of poppies is linked to a young girl and her innocence.
Medium: Graphite and Pencil Crayon
Size: 12×16 Black Double Matte with Black Inner