Poltava Duet
Ukrainian dancers begin at a young age and the dances often require partnering boys and girls. This whimsical illustration was inspired by the bashful reactions that the fellows have when asked to dance with the girls!. “Really...I have to hold her hand!” Is frequently the comment! The costuming and dance style of the Central or Poltava region is best known and represents the fluid lyrical impression created by the wheat fields dancing in the wind.
(Poltava Region Costume)
Ukrainian dancers begin at a young age and the dances often require partnering boys and girls. This whimsical illustration was inspired by the bashful reactions that the fellows have when asked to dance with the girls!. “Really...I have to hold her hand!” Is frequently the comment! The costuming and dance style of the Central or Poltava region is best known and represents the fluid lyrical impression created by the wheat fields dancing in the wind.
(Poltava Region Costume)
Ukrainian dancers begin at a young age and the dances often require partnering boys and girls. This whimsical illustration was inspired by the bashful reactions that the fellows have when asked to dance with the girls!. “Really...I have to hold her hand!” Is frequently the comment! The costuming and dance style of the Central or Poltava region is best known and represents the fluid lyrical impression created by the wheat fields dancing in the wind.
(Poltava Region Costume)
Medium: Graphite and Pencil Crayon
Frame and matte options:
Black matte with black inner border
White matte with black inner border
White matte with red inner border